General Practice Information
We practice at our home range, the Lincoln Izaak Walton League, on Mondays and Thursdays, starting at 5:00 PM, at the west end of the trap range, usually on Traps 6 and 7 (sometimes moving to Trap 5 as opportunity allows). Practices generally start each season on Monday of the second week in February. For the 2023 season, the first practice is tentatively planned for Monday, February 6, 2023.
If you are on the team, you are expected to practice with the team and try your best to attend at least one practice per week. This allows the team to shoot as squads and develop rhythm. Attending both weekly practices is encouraged, but it is your decision. The more practices you attend, the better you get! If you have a conflict and cannot attend practice during a week, please inform the Head Coach. |
We practice even when it's cold, so make sure you dress appropriately for the weather (if it's below freeing and you show up with just a hoodie or in shorts, your coach will be unimpressed and may send you home). If the weather is too bad to practice, cancellation notices will be send via email and the team's Remind group no later than 2:00 PM on the day of practice.
This year, we will be scheduling squads for practice ahead of time using Signup Genius. This will help keep practices going on time and limit the number of team members who are together at any given moment. For each practice, each student will sign up online for one 30-minute timeslot, at a specific time (on the hour and half hour) and on a specific trap. During a timeslot, your practice squad will shoot two rounds of trap (two boxes of ammo) in 25 minutes or less -- one round from 16 yards and one from handicap distance -- after which one person from the squad will go into the trap and reload the targets in preparation for the next squad.
Each student will sign up for only one practice slot, for each practice. Some times/traps will be reserved for specific handicap distances: 20 to 22 yards and 23 to 25 yards. You will sign up for a slot with handicap distances that are appropriate to your sill level (i.e., if you should be shooting at 21 yards, don't sign up for a 23 to 25 yard time slot). Be on time, at your trap, with your gun, ammo, and other gear ready to go when the time for your practice comes up. If you show up after your scheduled practice time, you will not be able to practice with that squad. You might be able to practice after the scheduled squads are finished. After all of the scheduled squads are finished and the trap ranges are open, anyone who wants to shoot additional practice rounds may do so.
Each team member will learn and be expected to assist with scoring, pulling (launching targets), loading the traps, restocking the trap houses, and closing the trap houses and range. These activities are all part of the sport and you’re part of the team, so please be prepared to help with these tasks (i.e., don’t just show up every time, shoot, and immediately leave). Please try to be on time to practice so that everyone finishes on time and can help with filling the traps, restocking the trap houses, and putting things away.
Parking is available in the large lot to the east of the clubhouse. Only club members with valid gate key cards are allowed to park through the gate on the west side of the clubhouse. If you do not have a keycard for the gate to the parking area at the west side of the clubhouse and you park there anyway, you may end up with your vehicle stuck behind a locked gate.
This year, we will be scheduling squads for practice ahead of time using Signup Genius. This will help keep practices going on time and limit the number of team members who are together at any given moment. For each practice, each student will sign up online for one 30-minute timeslot, at a specific time (on the hour and half hour) and on a specific trap. During a timeslot, your practice squad will shoot two rounds of trap (two boxes of ammo) in 25 minutes or less -- one round from 16 yards and one from handicap distance -- after which one person from the squad will go into the trap and reload the targets in preparation for the next squad.
Each student will sign up for only one practice slot, for each practice. Some times/traps will be reserved for specific handicap distances: 20 to 22 yards and 23 to 25 yards. You will sign up for a slot with handicap distances that are appropriate to your sill level (i.e., if you should be shooting at 21 yards, don't sign up for a 23 to 25 yard time slot). Be on time, at your trap, with your gun, ammo, and other gear ready to go when the time for your practice comes up. If you show up after your scheduled practice time, you will not be able to practice with that squad. You might be able to practice after the scheduled squads are finished. After all of the scheduled squads are finished and the trap ranges are open, anyone who wants to shoot additional practice rounds may do so.
Each team member will learn and be expected to assist with scoring, pulling (launching targets), loading the traps, restocking the trap houses, and closing the trap houses and range. These activities are all part of the sport and you’re part of the team, so please be prepared to help with these tasks (i.e., don’t just show up every time, shoot, and immediately leave). Please try to be on time to practice so that everyone finishes on time and can help with filling the traps, restocking the trap houses, and putting things away.
Parking is available in the large lot to the east of the clubhouse. Only club members with valid gate key cards are allowed to park through the gate on the west side of the clubhouse. If you do not have a keycard for the gate to the parking area at the west side of the clubhouse and you park there anyway, you may end up with your vehicle stuck behind a locked gate.